Saxion è nota per le sue fantastiche strutture di apprendimento, che ospitano ad esempio uno studio cinematografico professionale, un fablab, un laboratorio di educazione lego, laboratori di realtà virtuale, laboratori di robotica e l'elenco continua.
A Saxion si concentrano sull'applicazione di innovazione e tecnologia in tutti i corsi. Da fisioterapia a fashion, da turismo a media. Un semestre interdisciplinare (in cui lavori su un progetto con studenti di altri settori) fa parte di tutti i programmi di laurea
Caratteristiche Uniche
1. Smart Solutions semestre (interdisciplinare) per tutti gli studenti
2. Laboratori pazzeschi (fablab, virtual reality lab, robotica lab, legolab, ecc)
3. Hanno un vero supermercato nel loro edificio principale (!)
4. Nel bellissimo verde est dei Paesi Bassi
5. Pedalerai in Germania in 10 minuti!
At Saxion we welcome students from all over the world – maybe you as well?
As a University of Applied Sciences we offer a broad variety of courses and use our research to provide knowledge that can be applied in society - both locally and globally. We encourage international and domestic students to find each other and learn from each other.
You will learn how innovations affect your discipline and how you can apply technology and circularity in the development of your future profession. Technology and digitisation have a major impact on our daily lives and are also changing the way we work. In a few years’ time, the professions that we now practice will either no longer exist, or they will have taken on a different character. We see this as an opportunity and we encourage and support all of our students to use those opportunities: Get Ready for a Smart World!
Corsi di Laurea (Bachelor courses)
Applied Computer Science
Creative Media & Game Technologies
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Fashion & Textile Technologies
Finance and Accounting (International)
Hotel Management
International Business
International Human Resource Management
ICT (Software Engineering)
Tourism Management
Corsi di Laurea Magistrale (Masters)
Business Administration (MBA)
Facility and Real Estate Management
Innovative Textile Development
Management (MA)
We can't wait to welcome you at Saxion University of Applied Sciences! You can apply through Studielink or through our own application form, depending on the programme you have selected.
Find all information about entry requirements, deadlines etc. on our website via:
Check our website for all important information at one glance:
Want to get in touch with teachers and students from your desired study programme?
Then take part in our Digital Discovery Day on 28th October:
Go to Digital Discovery Day
Do you have an important question right now? Then contact our International Office via
Take a look at how studying at Saxion via Social Media: